The owner of Prairie Harvest Farm, Art MacLeod, has been involved in the livestock business all his life. He was involved in a cow/calf operation (350 head of cows) owned by his grandfather, but managed by his father at a very early age. From 1981 until 1995 Art managed his families herd of 150 head of cattle. That operation split up in 1995, and from 1995 until 2012 he ran a cattle operation of approximately 50 head of cows.
Art’s grandfather purchased land a short distance south of Chain Lakes Provincial Park in the 1930’s and the family cattle herd has grazed there every summer since. When it gets really cold and the creeks freeze over, the cattle are brought back to the farm location near High River, which was also purchased by Art’s grandfather in the early 1900’s. After calving the cattle are relocated to the ranch property, around the end of May, to spend their summer months in the foothills.
Art started the Range Fed Beef operation in 2000 and ran it successfully until 2013 when he retired. At the urging of numerous customers, the Range Fed Beef operation was started up again. All calves for the Range Fed Beef program will be purchased from local family members. Art is very familiar with these ranch operations, and personally involved with the periodic care of these cattle.
Respect for all animals
Respect for the environment (to leave it better than we found it)
Commitment to providing Top Quality Product and Services
Open Communications
Caring about Client Satisfaction
Prairie Harvest Farm
High River, Alberta, Canada
Copyright © 2024 Prairie Harvest Farm - All Rights Reserved.